13-10-2022 ”Avyakt-BapDada” Madhuban Morning Murli: “Your days of happiness are now about to come”
In this benevolent age, you children are also benevolent with the Benevolent Father. Your challenge is: We are world transformers. People of the world can only see destruction and this is why they think that this is a time of non-benevolence. However, together with destruction, you also see establishment...
“How can we deposit anything in the court of God?”
Until you have elevated actions in your practical lives, no matter how much effort you make, you will not be able to receive liberation or liberation-in-life. – Om Shanti....
12-10-2022 ”Avyakt-BapDada” Madhuban Morning Murli: “you have to pay a great deal of attention to this spiritual study.”
The seats of you tapaswi children are a constant and stable stage, the angelic stage. Do tapasya while seated on the seat of these elevated stages. Just as your body sits on a physical seat, in the same way, keep your mind and intellect sitting on the seat of...
11-10-2022 ”Avyakt-BapDada” Madhuban Morning Murli: “remain in the service of making this impure Bharat pure.”
On one hand, you have the kingdom and on the other hand, you are a Rishi, that is, one with unlimited disinterest. Such Raj Rishis cannot have any attachment for themselves, other people or for possessions. – Om Shanti....
10-10-2022 ”Avyakt-BapDada” Madhuban Morning Murli: “remain in the service of making this impure Bharat pure.”
The children who are intense effort-makers consider every moment to be the final moment and they stay ever-ready.think there is no guarantee of when your final moment will be. Therefore, be ever-ready. Let your stage constantly be beyond. Be detached from everything and loving to the Father, a conqueror...
10-10-2022 “अव्यक्त-बापदादा” मधुबन प्रात: मुरली : “भारत को पाक (पावन) बनाने की सेवा पर रहना है”
जो बच्चे तीव्र पुरूषार्थी हैं वह हर घड़ी को अन्तिम घड़ी समझकर एवररेडी रहते हैं। यही सोचो कि अपनी अन्तिम घड़ी का कोई भरोसा नहीं इसलिए एवररेडी, अपनी स्थिति सदा उपराम रहे। सबसे न्यारे और बाप के प्यारे, नष्टोमोहा। सदा निर्मोही और निर्विकल्प, निरव्यर्थ, व्यर्थ भी न हो तब...
09-10-2022 ”Avyakt-BapDada” Madhuban Morning Murli: “The basis of the future world sovereignty is the self-sovereignty of the confluence age.”
the occupation of your Brahmin life be emerged in you. When you have the intoxication of this in your every action, all types of upheaval will then become merged and you will be constantly unshakeable and immovable. Let the awareness of being a master almighty authority be constantly emerged...
08-10-2022 ”Avyakt-BapDada” Madhuban Morning Murli: “In order to make your intellect clean and pure interact with your families tactfully.”
At the time of the confluence age, many things that bring waves of sorrow will come in front of you, but do not let those waves of sorrow make you internally unhappy. In the hot season, it will be hot, but it is up to you to protect yourself....
07-10-2022 ”Avyakt-BapDada” Madhuban Morning Murli: “The Father is giving you the musk of knowledge. Therefore you should surrender yourself to such a Father.”
Whenever children remember the Father with love, they experience His company and Him to be close. When you say “Baba” from your heart, the Comforter of Hearts becomes present and this is why it is said: The Lord is present, the Lord is ever present. With the method of...
07-10-2022 “अव्यक्त-बापदादा” मधुबन प्रात: मुरली : “बाप तुम्हें ज्ञान की कस्तूरी देते हैं तो ऐसे बाप पर तुम्हें कुर्बान जाना है”
बच्चे जब भी स्नेह से बाप को याद करते हैं तो समीप और साथ का अनुभव करते हैं। दिल से बाबा कहा और दिलाराम हाज़िर इसीलिए कहते हैं हज़ूर हाज़िर है। हाज़िरा हज़ूर है। स्नेह की विधि से हर स्थान पर हर एक के पास हज़ूर हाज़िर हो जाते...