31-8-2022 ”Avyakt-BapDada” Madhuban Morning Murli: “wake up early in the morning and remember the Father with a lot of love”
To have newness in knowledge means to move along sensibly, that is, to continue to remove any weaknesses you have. Newness in experimenting with yoga means to increase its percentage. Similarly, to increase the percentage means to be an intense effort-maker. It is by doing this that you will...
30-8-2022 ”Avyakt-BapDada” Madhuban Morning Murli: “you now have to become lighthouses to show everyone the path.”
When someone who is burning in the fire of anger comes in front of you, consider that one to be under an external influence and bless him with the cool water of mercy. Therefore, be a blessed image and give others the blessing of the power of tolerance. When...
29-8-2022 ”Avyakt-BapDada” Madhuban Morning Murli: “You have to show (reveal) the Father through your divine sweet behaviour.”
Be a great donor and donate one or another power, virtues or jewel of knowledge to the souls who come into contact or relationship with you. – Om Shanti....
29-8-2022 “अव्यक्त-बापदादा” मधुबन प्रात: मुरली – “तुम्हें अपनी दैवी मीठी चलन से बाप का शो करना है”
सारे दिन में जो भी आत्मा सम्बन्ध-सम्पर्क में आये उसे महादानी बन कोई न कोई शक्ति का, ज्ञान का, गुणों का दान दो। - ओम् शान्ति।...
28-8-2022 ”Avyakt-BapDada” Madhuban Morning Murli: “To celebrate Holi means to burn weaknesses”
The basis of becoming a great soul is to make a vow of purity in the form of a promise. A vow means to have a thought in your mind and to observe that precaution physically. All of you make a vow of purity and have made your attitude...
28-8-2022 “अव्यक्त-बापदादा” मधुबन प्रात: मुरली – “होली मनाना अर्थात् दृढ़ संकल्प की अग्नि में कमजोरियों को जलाना”
महान आत्मा बनने का आधार है -“पवित्रता के व्रत को प्रतिज्ञा के रूप में धारण करना''I व्रत का अर्थ है मन में संकल्प लेना और स्थूल रीति से परहेज करना। आप सबने पवित्रता का व्रत लिया और वृत्ति श्रेष्ठ बनाई। सर्व आत्माओं के प्रति आत्मा भाई-भाई की वृत्ति बनने...
“The ancient yoga of Bharat is taught by God.”
“The ancient yoga of Bharat is taught by God.” - God Himself comes and teaches us this ancient yoga every cycle.– Om Shanti ...
“भारत का प्राचीन योग परमात्मा द्वारा सिखाया हुआ है”
“भारत का प्राचीन योग परमात्मा द्वारा सिखाया हुआ है" - वो प्राचीन योग भी परमात्मा आकर कल्प-कल्प हमें सिखलाता है।- ओम् शान्ति।...
27-8-2022 ”Avyakt-BapDada” Madhuban Morning Murli: “you know this unlimited play in the form of a drama”
Those who have the treasure of contentment have everything. Those who are content with just a little experience having all attainments, whereas for those who are not content, even though they have everything, it is as though they have nothing. Therefore, be ignorant of limited desires and you will...
27-8-2022 “अव्यक्त-बापदादा” मधुबन प्रात: मुरली – “तुम इस बेहद लीला रूपी नाटक को जानते हो”
जिनके पास सन्तुष्टता का खजाना है उनके पास सब कुछ है, जो थोड़े में सन्तुष्ट रहते हैं उन्हें सर्व प्राप्तियों की अनुभूति होती है। और जिसके पास सन्तुष्टता नहीं तो सब कुछ होते भी कुछ नहीं है, इसलिए हद के इच्छा मात्रम् अविद्या .... तब कहेंगे सन्तुष्टमणि। - ओम्...