Tag: Spirituality

23-1-2022 -”अव्यक्त-बापदादा” मधुबन मुरली [रिवाइज: 29/12/89]

बाप से सच्चा प्यार है तो प्यार की निशानी है - समान, कर्मातीत बनो। ‘करावनहार' होकर कर्म करो, कराओ। कभी भी मन-बुद्धि वा संस्कारों के वश होकर कोई भी कर्म नहीं करो। - ॐ शान्ति। ...

22-1-2022 ”Avyakt-BapDada” Madhuban Murli

Renounce all worldly desires and become a helper in making God’s clan expand. Don’t do anything to cause disservice.Keep a connection of give and take with only the one Father, not with any bodily being.– Om Shanti....

21-1-2022 ”Avyakt-BapDada” Madhuban Murli

Just as a rose takes strength from bad smelling fertilizer and becomes a fragrant rose, in the same way, you elevated, world transformer souls, have to transform impure, wasteful and ordinary feelings and intentions into greatness. you will easily and natural by imbibe the qualifications for becoming an avyakt...

20-1-2022 ”Avyakt-BapDada” Madhuban Murli

The basis of the flying stage or the falling stage in life is two things: feelings and intention. Having benevolent feelings for everyone, feelings of being loving and co-operative, feelings of increasing courage and enthusiasm, feelings of soul consciousness and feelings of belonging. These are all good wishes. Those...

19-1-2022 ”Avyakt-BapDada” Madhuban Murli

Always remain merged and lost in God’s love, then the sparkle and intoxication on your face and the rays of experience will be so powerful that let alone any problem coming to you, it will not even be able to look you in the eye. You will not experience...

16-1-2022 ”Avyakt-BapDada” Madhuban Murli

God’s love gives so much happiness that if you become lost in this love for even one second, you will forget all the many types of sorrow and will begin to swing in the swing of happiness for all time. -Om Shanti ....

14-1-2022 ”Avyakt-BapDada” Madhuban Murli

You do not have to make effort to remember someone you love, but you automatically remember them. It must be love from the heart, true and selfless. When you say “My Baba! Lovely Baba!” you cannot forget someone you love. You cannot receive altruistic, selfless love from anyone except...

13-1-2022 ”Avyakt-BapDada” Madhuban Murli

the children who perform every action with such attention are like those of Father Brahma. Every action would be worthy of a blessing and blessings would constantly be emerging through their lips. Some speciality would be visible even in their ordinary actions. So, claim this certificate and you will...

11-1-2022 ”Avyakt-BapDada” Madhuban Murli

To the extent that you are merged in the unlimited attainments, accordingly you will stay beyond limited attractions and experience yourself to be merged in God’s love. Your stage of being merged in love will spread the fragrance of spirituality in the atmosphere. - Om Shanti ....