26-9-2022 ”Avyakt-BapDada” Madhuban Morning Murli: “the spiritual Father has created this sacrificial fire of the knowledge of Rudra.”
A karma yogi is one who is seated on an immortal throne, that is, he is the master of himself and also has a right to the Father’s inheritance of the fortune of the kingdom. The actions of those who always perform actions while seated on their immortal thrones...
25-9-2022 ”Avyakt-BapDada” Madhuban Murli. Revised:15-4-1992: “The particular difference between truth and falsehood.”
BapDada’s teaching is: Do not listen to anything wasteful, do not speak anything wasteful, do not do anything wasteful, do not see anything wasteful and do not think anything wasteful. Become so powerful that no colour, other than the colour of the Father’s company, can influence you. With the...
24-9-2022 ”Avyakt-BapDada” Madhuban Morning Murli: “first have the faith that each of you is a soul.”
In the world, there is the power of science, the power of government and the power of devotion. However, you have the power of knowledge and the power of yoga. These are the most elevated powers. The power of yoga enables you to be victorious over Maya for all...
23-9-2022 ”Avyakt-BapDada” Madhuban Morning Murli: “do not perform any wrong or sinful actions.”
The speciality of a holy swan is constantly to pick up jewels of knowledge. A holy swan means to be always clean. Keep your intellect playing with jewels of knowledge at every moment and continue to churn knowledge and there won’t then be any waste. This is known as...
22-9-2022 ”Avyakt-BapDada” Madhuban Morning Murli: “whenever you have time earn a true income.”
The way to protect yourself from Maya’s shadow is to stay under Father’s canopy of protection. To stay under this canopy of protection means to remain happy. Hand over all your worries to the Father. Those who lose their happiness and become weak definitely have Maya’s shadow over them...
21-9-2022 ”Avyakt-BapDada” Madhuban Morning Murli: “It is only you poor children who take a handful of knowledge from the Father and become wealthy.”
When souls are crying out in the upheaval of nature and asking for mercy, listen to their call and let your merciful form emerge. In order to transform the world of sorrow and suffering, make yourself complete. Intensify your good wishes for transformation. – Om Shanti....
20-9-2022 ”Avyakt-BapDada” Madhuban Morning Murli: “make effort to make impure ones pure, like the Father.”
Those who remain aware of their original form of light have the power to transform waste into powerful. They easily transform any waste of time, wasteful company and atmosphere of waste and remain double light. Such intense effort-making children easily attain their angelic stage. – Om Shanti....
19-9-2022 ”Avyakt-BapDada” Madhuban Morning Murli: “Constantly remember your aim and objective.”
your Brahmin birth is also a special birth. Your birth is elevated, your dharma (religion) is elevated and your karma (action) is elevated. When this greatness, your speciality, is in your awareness in a natural way you will become an easy effort-maker. Souls who have a special life cannot...
18-9-2022 ”Avyakt-BapDada” Madhuban Murli. Revised:15-4-1992: “Two signs of Brahmins – Faith and Victory.”
For any negative thought or sanskar to be transformed and made positive in a second, you need to practise having traffic control throughout the day because the speed of wasteful and negative thoughts is very fast. At any time of a fast speed, apply a powerful brake and practise...
17-9-2022 ”Avyakt-BapDada” Madhuban Morning Murli: “In this birth you have to become diamonds from shells.”
While having with your family, have the aim of being at a service place to do service. Wherever you are living, let the atmosphere there be like that of a service place. A household means to have an attitude of being beyond, that is, of not having any consciousness...