”Both souls and the Supreme Soul are eternal, why is God called the Creator?”
You have found God to show you the path of effort. You now have to walk along that path and create your Godly life in a practical way. This is true happiness.– Om Shanti....
“Liberation from karmic bondage”
“Liberation from karmic bondage”- the golden age and it was called the world of flowers. That world is free from karmic bondage, it was a kingdom of deities who were liberated in life. – Om Shanti....
“मुक्ति और जीवनमुक्ति की स्टेज”
“मुक्ति और जीवनमुक्ति की स्टेज”- जो मनुष्यों की चाहना द्वापर से लेकर कलियुग के अन्त तक उठती आई है कि हम जन्म-मरण के चक्र में न आवें, वो आश अब पूर्ण होती है।- ओम् शान्ति।...
“The stages of liberation and liberation in life.”
“The stages of liberation and liberation in life.” - The desire that human beings have from the copper age to the end of the iron age of not coming into the cycle of birth and death is fulfilled now. -– Om Shanti....
“Why is the iron-aged world called the world without any essence (strength)?”
this world is called an ocean of sin, which they want to cross and go to the world of charitable souls. So, there are two worlds: the golden-aged world that has essence and the other iron-aged world without essence – Om Shanti....
“The eternally created programe of God’s coming.”
God says: I am One and I only come once, My time of coming is the confluence age. – Om Shanti....