28-7-2022 ”Avyakt-BapDada” Madhuban Murli: “Be tireless of studying means karmateet stage”.
Your slogan is: Do not look for revenge (badla), but demonstrate “World transformation through self-transformation”, by changing (badal) yourself. Some children think, “If this is put right, I will be fine. If this system is sorted out, then I will be fine. First of all, change yourself and then...
27-7-2022 ”Avyakt-BapDada” Madhuban Murli: “Now imbibe Godly virtues to Claim self-sovereignty”.
In order to receive everyone’s blessings, along with being a teacher, also be master merciful. Be merciful with forgiveness and this forgiveness will become like giving a teaching to that one.Make the sanskars of giving blessings firm from now and people will then continue to take blessings from your...
26-7-2022 ”Avyakt-BapDada” Madhuban Murli: “Double crowned – unknown warriors”.
Multimillion times fortunate souls always remain lost in God’s love. The power of God’s love transforms any situation into an elevated stage: it makes an impossible task possible and anything difficult becomes easy. This is because BapDada promised that He will continue to fulfil the responsibility of love in...
“मुक्ति और जीवनमुक्ति की स्टेज”
“मुक्ति और जीवनमुक्ति की स्टेज”- जो मनुष्यों की चाहना द्वापर से लेकर कलियुग के अन्त तक उठती आई है कि हम जन्म-मरण के चक्र में न आवें, वो आश अब पूर्ण होती है।- ओम् शान्ति।...
“The stages of liberation and liberation in life.”
“The stages of liberation and liberation in life.” - The desire that human beings have from the copper age to the end of the iron age of not coming into the cycle of birth and death is fulfilled now. -– Om Shanti....
25-7-2022 ”Avyakt-BapDada” Madhuban Murli.
Hold a royal court of all your co-operative physical senses every day and check that none of you physical senses or workers are repeatedly making mistakes. Therefore, along with checking also change with the power of knowledge and you will then be said to be a successful master of...
“God Himself tells us, how the world was created?”
words of God are mentioned in the Gita: "When I come, I destroy the devilish world and establish the divine world, that is, I purify iron-aged, tamoguni, impure souls."– Om Shanti....
“अपने को स्वयं परमात्मा बता रहे हैं, कि असुल में सृष्टि कैसे पैदा हुई?”
गीता में है भगवानुवाच "जब मैं आता हूँ तो आसुरी दुनिया का विनाश कर दैवी दुनिया की स्थापना करता हूँ अर्थात् कलियुगी तमोगुणी अपवित्र आत्माओं को पवित्र बनाता हूँ।"- ओम् शान्ति।...
24-07-2022 ”Avyakt-BapDada” Madhuban Murli. Revised:18-12-1991.
People are afraid of dying whereas you have already died. You are living in a new world, you have died to the old world. Therefore, why would those who have already died be afraid of dying? They would be naturally fearless.you are trustees, even those bodies do not belong...
23-7-2022 ”Avyakt-BapDada” Madhuban Murli.
If a soul tries to make you shake or has an attitude of harming you, transform or forgive that one with your attitude of benevolence. If you are not able to transform that one, then become a master ocean of forgiveness and forgive him. Your forgiving that soul will...