Tag: Madhuban Murli

7-10-2021- ”Avyakt-BapDada” Madhuban Murli

That Ocean of Knowledge comes and grants salvation to everyone by speaking knowledge. He is the Supreme Father, the Supreme Soul, who lives far beyond. All souls, brothers, receive parts. All souls are children of the one Father. - Om Shanti -...

6-10-2021- ”Avyakt-BapDada” Madhuban Murli

This is unadulterated knowledge. You listen to Shiv Baba alone, the One you worship first. At that time there were no other religions. You remained very happy at that time. The deity religion is one that gives a lot of happiness. By mentioning its name your mouth becomes sweet....

5-10-2021- ”Avyakt-BapDada” Madhuban Murli

It is only now that the Father creates the imperishable sacrificial fire of the knowledge of Rudra which is then remembered later. Devotion does not continue all the time. There is devotion and knowledge. Devotion is the night and knowledge is the day. The Father comes and brings the...

4-10-2021- ”Avyakt-BapDada” Madhuban Murli

They don't even write a letter to the Father from beyond from whom they receive such a great inheritance. They never even remember Him. Such a Father should be remembered so much. - Om Shanti -...

2-10-2021- ”Avyakt-BapDada” Madhuban Murli

Only the one Father gives this spiritual knowledge. The Father says: Now become soul conscious! Remember Me, your Supreme Father! You will become satopradhan from tamopradhan by having remembrance. - OM SHANTI -...

1-10-2021- ”Avyakt-BapDada” Madhuban Murli

No one in the world knows what liberation-in-life is. No one even knows when the kingdom of Lakshmi and Narayan existed. You know that you are now claiming the deity sovereignty of purity from the Father. - OM SHANTI -...

30-09-2021 -”अव्यक्त-बापदादा” मधुबन मुरली

तो बाप आये हैं पुरानी दुनिया को नया बनाने। नई दुनिया सतयुग थी, यह पुरानी दुनिया कलियुग है। इनको अब बदलना है। जैसे पुराना घर खत्म हो नया घर बनता है। सतयुग के बाद त्रेता, द्वापर, कलियुग फिर सतयुग आना जरूर है। वर्ल्ड की हिस्ट्री-जॉग्राफी रिपीट होनी है।...

29-09-2021 -”अव्यक्त-बापदादा” मधुबन मुरली

बाप कहते हैं तुम ही राज्य लेते हो और कोई ले न सके, सिवाए तुम भारतवासियों के, जो अभी अपने को हिन्दू कहलाते हैं। हम भल कुछ भी नाम दें, हम वास्तव में आदि सनातन देवी-देवता धर्म के थे। अब ब्राह्मण, देवता, क्षत्रिय धर्म की स्थापना हो रही है।...

27-09-2021 -”अव्यक्त-बापदादा” मधुबन मुरली

श्रीमत पर हर एक को अपना कल्याण करना है, अपनी जाँच करनी है कि कितना बाप को याद करता हूँ और कितनी बाप की सर्विस करता हूँ। रूहानी खुदाई खिदमतगार तुम हो ना। OM SHANTI...