“So why is He called “Shiva” ?”
His memorial is worshipped in the form of a Shivlingam because God took birth in the land of Bharat so this land would definitely be mentioned.– Om Shanti....
“उसे फिर शिव नाम से क्यों बुलाते हैं?”
उनकी यादगार प्रतिमा शिवलिंग रूप में पूजी जाती है। सो भी खास करके भारत में पूजा ज्यादा होती है क्योंकि परमात्मा का जन्म भारत खण्ड में हुआ, तो जरूर इस देश का ही नाम पड़ेगा।- ओम् शान्ति।...
16-8-2022 “अव्यक्त-बापदादा” मधुबन मुरली: “पवित्र बनो तो विश्व का मालिक बन जायेंगे”
संगमयुग खुशियों का युग, मौजों का युग है तो सदा खुशी में रहो और खुशियां बांटते रहो। भाग्य और भाग्य विधाता सदा याद रहे। बाप मिला सब कुछ मिला-यह स्मृति ही सहजयोगी बना देगी। बाप मिला सब कुछ मिला-यह स्मृति ही सहजयोगी बना देगी। - ओम् शान्ति।...
”Both souls and the Supreme Soul are eternal, why is God called the Creator?”
You have found God to show you the path of effort. You now have to walk along that path and create your Godly life in a practical way. This is true happiness.– Om Shanti....
“मेहनत धारण करने में बाकी ज्ञान तो सेकण्ड की बात है।”
“मेहनत धारण करने में बाकी ज्ञान तो सेकण्ड की बात है।” - अगर मनुष्य एक सेकेण्ड में सिर्फ अपने स्वधर्म को जान जावें ..... - ओम् शान्ति।...
“God Himself tells us, how the world was created?”
words of God are mentioned in the Gita: "When I come, I destroy the devilish world and establish the divine world, that is, I purify iron-aged, tamoguni, impure souls."– Om Shanti....
“अपने को स्वयं परमात्मा बता रहे हैं, कि असुल में सृष्टि कैसे पैदा हुई?”
गीता में है भगवानुवाच "जब मैं आता हूँ तो आसुरी दुनिया का विनाश कर दैवी दुनिया की स्थापना करता हूँ अर्थात् कलियुगी तमोगुणी अपवित्र आत्माओं को पवित्र बनाता हूँ।"- ओम् शान्ति।...
“On what are the two words “fortunate and unfortunate” based?”
He can never give anyone sorrow. He enables us to settle all our karmic accounts and this is why we say: You are our Mother and Father and we are Your children.– Om Shanti....
“Remembrance is connected with knowledge for without knowledge there cannot be accurate remembrance.”
God clearly says in the Gita: I cannot be found by dhyan (concentrating on Him) or through chanting. Nor do you have to keep My image in front of you and focus on that. – Om Shanti....
30-5-2022 ”Avyakt-BapDada” Madhuban Murli.
You can increase your treasure of blessings received from the Father at the confluence age as much as you want. Simply continue to give them to others. Just as the Father is merciful, become as merciful as He is. Since you have to complete the task of serving the...