4-8-2022 ”अव्यक्त-बापदादा” मधुबन मुरली: “तुम्हें बाप समान रूप बसन्त बनना है”
सबसे सहज और निरन्तर याद का साधन है-सदा बाप के साथ का अनुभव हो। साथ की अनुभूति याद करने की मेहनत से छुड़ा देती है। तो हर कर्म में बाप ऐसा साथी है जो मुश्किल को भी सहज करने वाला है। ऐसे साथी के साथ का सदा अनुभव होता...
4-8-2022 ”Avyakt-BapDada” Madhuban Murli: “become rup and basant same as the Father.”
The easiest and constant means of having remembrance is constantly to experience the Father’s company. The experience of His company liberates you from having to work hard.If you constantly continue to experience the company of this Companion you will become an embodiment of success. – Om Shanti....
3-8-2022 ”Avyakt-BapDada” Madhuban Murli: “Stay on the spiritual pilgrimage and enable others to stay on it”
The lesson of being an instrument makes you constantly detached and loving. If you practise the natural and easy consciousness of being an instrument, your progress and others is always merged in that at every step. Souls who are instruments are constantly aware that they are examples to world...
“To imbibe is hard work – otherwise knowledge is a matter of a second.”
“To imbibe is hard work - otherwise knowledge is a matter of a second.” - if people were to understand their own souls religion in reality. – Om Shanti ...
“मेहनत धारण करने में बाकी ज्ञान तो सेकण्ड की बात है।”
“मेहनत धारण करने में बाकी ज्ञान तो सेकण्ड की बात है।” - अगर मनुष्य एक सेकेण्ड में सिर्फ अपने स्वधर्म को जान जावें ..... - ओम् शान्ति।...
2-8-2022 ”Avyakt-BapDada” Madhuban Murli: “God Himself is teaching you.”
Because karma yogi children have the Father’s company as they act, they receive extra help. No matter how difficult some work may be, the Father’s help gives you zeal, enthusiasm, courage and the power to be tireless. Any task that is done with zeal and enthusiasm will definitely be...
1-8-2022 ”Avyakt-BapDada” Madhuban Murli: “Become very sweet like milk and sugar”
A master almighty authority Raja Yogi is one who becomes a self-sovereign and uses all his physical organs according to his law and order. Those who are master almighty authorities cannot be deceived by even one of their physical organs. As soon as you say “Stop”, they stop. ...
“Liberation from karmic bondage”
“Liberation from karmic bondage”- the golden age and it was called the world of flowers. That world is free from karmic bondage, it was a kingdom of deities who were liberated in life. – Om Shanti....
“कर्मबन्धन से रहित जीवनमुक्त”
“कर्मबन्धन से रहित जीवनमुक्त” - आगे का संसार सतयुग था जिसको फूलों की दुनिया कहते हैं। अब वो है कर्मबन्धन से रहित जीवनमुक्त देवी देवताओं का राज्य। - ओम् शान्ति।...
31-7-2022 ”अव्यक्त-बापदादा” मधुबन मुरली: “यथार्थ चार्ट प्रगति और परिवर्तन”
जिम्मेवार बाप है, मैं निमित्त मात्र हूँ - यह स्मृति हल्का बना देती है इसलिए अपने पुरूषार्थ का बोझ, सेवाओं का बोझ, सम्पर्क-सम्बन्ध निभाने का बोझ...सब छोटे-मोटे बोझ बाप को देकर हल्के हो जाओ।निमित्त समझने से निर्मानता का गुण भी स्वत: आ जाता है।- ओम् शान्ति।...