“God Himself tells us, how the world was created?”
Invaluable elevated versions of Mateshwari ji :- “God Himself tells us, how the world was created?”
People ask how the world began. People have heard all sorts of stories about this, but God Himself tells us how the world was created. In fact, God is eternal, and so this world is also eternal. The eternal world begins with God. Look, these words of God are mentioned in the Gita: “When I come, I destroy the devilish world and establish the divine world, that is, I purify iron-aged, tamoguni, impure souls.”
So, first of all, in the beginning of the world, God created the three forms of Brahma, Vishnu and Shankar, and He then established the deity world through Brahma and Saraswati. So, this means that the world began with Brahma, and Christians refer to Brahma as Adam and to Saraswati as Eve.
Because of not knowing, they gave the one Brahma different names. Some call the Supreme Soul God, some call Him Allah, but the Supreme Soul is One. The difference is just in the language.
Achcha. – Om Shanti.
SOURCE: 28-5-2022 Morning Murli – Om Shanti ”Avyakt-BapDada” Madhuban.
MORE: “How will the world begin and Who is the Adi Pita (first father)?”, “The eternally created programe of God’s coming.”, “This Godly knowledge is from the Creator of this world, the Highest of High God is teaching us.”, ब्रह्माण्ड का रहस्य – The Secret Of The Universe – Godlywood Studio.